"Aura of Youth" Diagnostics of your face

with Valeria Lukyanova

“How to remove puffiness and smooth out wrinkles in 15 minutes a day”

A unique video seminar from Valeria Lukyanova is now available in recording!

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Many people, especially with age, avoid their own reflection. They quickly run past mirrors so as not to notice what they don’t like. But have you ever thought that by avoiding your reflection, you are betraying yourself? You refuse to see reality as it is and lose touch with your true self.

In the video webinar “Aura of Youth,” Valeria Lukyanova will help you look at your reflection in a completely new way. You will learn to see not just yourself in the mirror, but your new, ideal version – the person you have always dreamed of being.

In this seminar, you will learn how to use a simple tool – a mirror – to identify problems with your face and body, and most importantly, start the process of their restoration.

A mirror is more than just a reflection. It helps you see where your body is losing energy and what internal blocks or imbalances require attention. It is important to remember: our body is a reflection of internal energy, and harmonious work with it directly affects your health and appearance.

🔍 What awaits you:
• Facial diagnostics through a mirror. You will learn how to look at yourself consciously in order to notice not only external but also internal changes.
• Working with the aura of youth. You will learn to see your reflection in the light of youth, beauty and harmony.
• Metamorphoses of the body and reality. With the help of a unique technique, you will begin to notice how your face, body and even reality begin to change.

🔍 What you will master:
• How to get rid of wrinkles, spasms and facial asymmetry.
• What to do with a double chin and how to remove swelling.
• How to learn to “read” the face in order to identify body signals and prevent diseases.

💡 Why is this important?
Each zone of the face is associated with the state of the internal organs. By consciously working with your face, you:
• Prevent the development of hidden diseases.
• Restore the energy balance in the body.
• Improve the condition of the skin and start natural rejuvenation processes.
After these practices, you will not just see a new you - you will become this person. Your view of yourself and the world will change dramatically, and you will feel how the energy of youth and confidence fills your life.

🌟 What you will get:
Practices and rituals that will give a visible result already during the lesson:
• The face is smoothed, the skin glows with freshness.
• Tension goes away, deep regeneration processes are launched.

As a gift for the webinar, you will immediately receive the magical technique "Mirror"!
As a gift for this video, you will receive a unique technique for working with a mirror, developed by Valeria. This technique will become your tool for transformation, returning you to harmony and beauty every day

Start the path to conscious beauty and health today!
This workshop will be your first step towards understanding your body's signals and harmony with yourself.